Amazon-Weight Loss

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Losing Stomach Fat With The Best Stomach Fat Exercise

All exercise is good. Our body loves to move, so whatever physical activity we do will improve our health by stimulating our heart and working our muscles. Muscles and joints need to be used regularly. Like any machine, our body benefits from regular use. If machinery is not used it can break down, seize up or rust. In other words, its condition deteriorates, just as our body does. Unfortunately, one of the signs of bodily deterioration is a build up of fat, particularly stomach fat

Whenever we move we use calories. The more we move, the more calories we use. The more vigorous the movement, the more calories we use. You will see that on the monitor screens of exercise equipment. The harder you go the more calories are lost. This is the basis of the best stomach fat exercise.

You need to do vigorous, calorie-burning exercise to lose weight and you need to do it regularly. The trouble is, this is hard to sustain. But most of us can sustain short bursts of strenuous exercise. That is where high intensity interval training comes in.

The main benefits to you are:

* You lose stomach fat faster

* You need less time - 20-30 minutes a session

* Your metabolism increases and helps you to keep losing weight long after the sessions finish

* You strengthen your heart, muscles and bones

* You build up your energy levels

* You feel good about yourself

How it works

This type of exercise calls for working the body to its maximum for short bursts and then resting it for short periods. For example, if you are exercising on a stationary bike, you go as hard as you can for 8 seconds and slow down to a more moderate speed for 12 seconds. You do this for 20 minutes at a time, 3 or 4 times a week. You do need time to warm up and to cool down, so the whole exercise period lasts for about 30 minutes.

An Australian research team found this type of exercise program produced the best results. They also found it produced much better results than walking at the same pace for 40 minutes at a time. In fact, interval training resulted in three times the weight loss. Other studies have supported the benefits of high intensity interval training.

You can alter the activity and rest periods to suit yourself and your capabilities. It works for other cardio vascular exercise like walking, running, jogging and swimming. This means you can fit it into whatever exercise you are doing or intend to do.

We all complain we do not have enough time, but we should be able to find 20 or 30 minutes 3 or 4 times a week. Now we cannot say we do not have enough time to exercise. Barring physical disabilities, we can all do this regardless of age and physical fitness.


If you are serious about losing stomach fat, you will find more ideas to help you at William Burnell enjoys the benefits of following a healthy lifestyle and likes to help others to do the same.