Amazon-Weight Loss

Monday, November 28, 2011

How To Quickly And Easily Cut A Hundred Calories From Your Diet

It is highly likely, if you are reading this document, that you are already fed up with having to discover the calorie content of every single little bit of food and drink that you desire to consume. Believe us when we tell you that we get it. Counting your calories is not exactly enjoyable. But the great news is that it doesn't really need to be the arduous chore that it may have turned out to be. The truth is that slicing hundreds of calories from your current diet doesn't have to involve sophisticated math or thinking. Try it out:

Drinking normal water only is the best method to eliminate hundreds of calories out of your diet. There are not any calories in water and also it quenches your thirst. Not only do sodas, juices and coffees contain hundreds of calories per serving, they usually leave you feeling maybe even thirstier. Java and soda especially are seriously bad for packing on 100s of calories in just a few minutes. Take into consideration the flavoring you will probably add to your morning coffee. An oz . of flavoring has so many calories. Perhaps you should skip the coffee altogether and drink water as a substitute to help your calorie count drop an outrageous amount.

Don't begin using butter to season your vegetables; apply herbs, spices and lemon juice. The taste will be phenomenal and most people won't have to stress about the calories you would be getting if you used butter. In addition - this helps you reduced your risk of developing high ldl cholesterol levels and having those calories accumulated as fat for later on.

Tacos may possibly be your very favorite food ever but they are typically chock full of calories that are dreadful for you. That doesn't mean, though, that you cannot eat them from now on. Just work to produce them much healthier. Simply making use of corn tortillas in lieu of flour can drop the calorie consumption by a hundred points or more. Choose super lean cuts of animal meat or opting to make all-vegetable or vegan tacos are also ways to cut down on the calorie content of the tacos you make at home.

Do you really even now try to eat chicken skin? Put a stop to it! It may be great tasting but it is full of calories that you will not need. It is okay to leave the skin with the meat while it is cooking as this can assist you to season and spice the meat properly as well as make certain that the flavor really may get sealed in but after the cooking process is complete you should definitely take the skin off. This helps make your weight loss program all the more effective.

The simple truth is that just a few small modifications in the way you prepare your food could help you drop several hundreds of calories from your diet every single day. Only using light whole wheat bread instead of regular white bread can drop a hundred calories from your diet. Drinking standard water instead of other calorie laden products helps as well. The best benefit of these tips is that none of them require you to lose taste for health!


Visit to get a free E-BOOK on 45 fantastic ways to burn calories fast. And there is more information about fastest way to lose calories fast with great exercises such as yoga.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Best Way To Lose Weight - Dump The Dreaded "D" Word And Make Positive Life Changes Instead

Worse than most swear words, the dreaded "D" word conjures up thoughts of loathing and failure in the minds of many people? Is it through expensive and painful experiences that we now know that in many cases diets just don't work?

An alternative is to decide to change your lifestyle and open a new era in your life. One which will be the secret to your success in achieving your health and fitness goals.

Some people are addicted to eating. But giving up eating like a smoker gives up cigarettes is not an option. Giving up cigarettes altogether is not easy but cutting down can be much harder than giving up altogether. With food you don't have this option. You either eat or die. So if food addiction is your problem, you need to find a different solution. One possibility is by changing how you view food.

With most diets little is done to change the way we see food which is probably the reason why they often fail. In fact most diets have good food, bad food, and the thou-shalt-not foods. Those that usually taste the best! No wonder diets often make people feel punished or deprived. And who wants to take on something that makes you feel like that?

Further punishment follows as we are very harsh with ourselves when we fail to stay on the straight and narrow diet path. The result is that we feel guilty and a failure every time we err. We slowly sink back into our old ways and then eventually give up altogether.

What is needed for real success is a complete lifestyle change. In this way you will be able to lose weight, improve your health and get fit but without the angst so many dieters suffer with each failure.

You need to write down a a plan with clear and specific goals. Keep it tough but with realistic steps for fitness, reducing weight, and eating a healthy diet. Start simply and even with small goals like eat 5 fruit and vegetable helpings a day and walk for 15 minutes will be an excellent start.

Change how you look at food and slowly your way of eating will also change. You will experience stunning changes in your your level of fitness, your body and your health. As your fitness level starts rising and the weight starts dropping off you will have more energy and exercise will become more enjoyable. Success will build motivation and you will be encouraged by your progress.

Losing the first few pounds is difficult but maintaining this weight loss over the long term is even more challenging. The vital ingredient when making lifestyle changes is to never give up. Take each day one at a time. Accept that on occasional days you will go off the rails, but just put it behind you and start afresh the next day.

Most dieters have experienced many dieting failures. However it isn't failure when you are getting positive results out of each small positive change. You are on a long term mission and it may take many months to achieve your goals. If you are doing the best you can and making progress, reward yourself as you will deserve it.

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Facts On Weight Loss And The Way To Carry It Out Right

Dieting by restricting intake of food is not a recommended method for weight loss. It is true that you can follow very strict food habits and avoid a lot of nutrients in the process. However, this doesn't work out in the long run because an individual cannot stay away from a particular form of food for life.

By adopting dieting you also lose not only your appetite but also the interaction with the society and other people. This is because avoiding food will cause you to no go to parties or accept invitations just because you are on a diet. Eventually you develop what is called isolation, which is the major factor and the element in eating disorder in a person.

It can be said that dieting is linked with many kinds of eating disorders. Some of the most common ones are bulimia and anorexia. For example, food preoccupation is higher, increased level of deprivation in a person, lower level of will power and confidence. You would also have an increased level in eating disorder, known as binge eating.

At the beginning the entire process and procedure of dieting would be exciting and fun. You would be thinking of getting your life back on track, gaining self respect, power and a sense of accomplishment. Then when the dieting fails and you get back to the earlier weight you were at, all those great feelings go right down the drain.

Dieting causes eating disorder and other psychological problems. Do remember, that dieting does lead to the various unhealthy eating habits and eating disorders and this is harmful and can eventually be fatal. You may initially think that not eating is great to help you lose weight, but it is an unhealthy practice long term.

Remember that any form of intense dieting is not good because it is not natural. If an individual is dieting then they tend to have a huge influence on the others. For instance, you may influence your siblings and friends. In this case chances for the occurrence of eating disorder in others are higher.

Instead of dieting try these healthier methods like having smaller meals or portions of the dish an individual enjoys. Make sure to reduce the in between and unhealthy, junky meals. Replacing soda and other sugary beverages can greatly help reducing weight. Reduce intake of sugar especially in tea and coffee. In this reference honey is a healthier alternative compared to artificial sweeteners

As you can tell, some og the above suggestions for weight loss involve reducing intake of certain foods and beverages that you habitually consume everyday. Since you have them so frequent , they may be a major cause in you being overweight. Therfore if you simply omit them, you will start to see results quickly.


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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Train Like A Caveman For Accelerated Fat Loss And Functional Strength

Our primal brothers and sisters may well have been on to something... Now theres no evidence to suggest our ancestors did any exercise to get fit or loose weight, and that's largly due to the fact that we have never found remains of our early ancestors that suggest obesity or ill health.

What we do know is that they lived long, happy, healthy lives, well into their 80's, with no modern medicine or a treadmill in sight.

The reasons for this are vast and complicated, something Authors such as Mark Sisson, Robb Wolf and Paul Chek can explain much better than myself, But one aspect I will cover in this post is how to exercise, to try and replicate the fitness of our cavemen ancestors:

We are constantly bombarded with new exercise contraptions, Curved treadmills, Super pogo boots, Sauna vests, Vibrating platforms etc etc yet we still have an obesity epidemic? Maybe it's time we tried something old?....

4 functional movement patterns

Pull - It is a basic human function to be able to pull. Pull objects towards us, or pull ourselves towards something. "Pulling" works primarily the posterior chain of our body, (The back) large muscles that take many calories to use and maintain, but also are very useful for maintaining good posture.

The caveman way - Ancient man would often have to pull themselves up trees to avoid a predator or pull their prey home to the tribe.

How we can replicate - Pulling movements are easy to replicate, yet no-body does them? Here are two of my favorite ones

TRX row

Pull up

Press - Another basic function of the human body is to press or to "push". To "Push" something away from them, or to push themselves away from something.

The caveman way - To throw a spear at their prey, or to push themselves away from a rival tribesmen

How we can replicate - Pressing exercises tend to be reserved for the bodybuilding fraternity, but don't let that put you off, if you couple these exercises with the other functional movement patterns featured in this article you will have a well balanced physique Fred Flintstone would be envious of.

Press up

Over head press


To lower our body weight towards the floor and then lift it back up to a standing position is a basic human function, yet many many people struggle getting up from the sofa let alone if they had to quickly lift their bodyweight from the floor to run from a predator. Good thing we're top of the food chain.

The caveman way - Cavemen, and to this day many traditional societies of the world, hold a deep squat position for hours on end, whether it be to play cards with friends or just as a relaxing seated position we would also have had to squat into a jump to climb trees and cliffs.

How we replicate - Go to any personal trainer and they will get you to do squats, they just work. Their growth hormone releasing properties coupled with their exercise of some of the bodies largest muscles make squats the most superior exercise in peoples quest for fat burning.


Jump Squats

Bend - Bending to lift something off of the floor is an every day task, yet this is an exercise that aggravates back pain in countless numbers of modern day man. However thousands of years ago our spinal health was fantastic coupled with (from what research suggests) no back pain.

The Caveman Way - Bend over and lift prey over shoulders, bend over to pick up and move rocks

How we replicate - Practicing these exercises in the gym will give you fantastic back strength and full body power.

Sumo Deadlift

One arm one leg Deadlift (advanced)

Lunge - Lunging is not something we practice an awful lot these days, with the exception of sports people (Tennis in particular) Lunging is great for balance coordination and lower body strength and stability.

The cave man way - After lifting his prey over his shoulders the caveman would make his way back to the tribe crawling lunging and climbing over various obsticles on the way. He would also have to lunge explosively and quickly in various directions while hunting.

How we can replicate - These exercises are what we call high skill exercises and for that reason should be done at the beginning of a workout while still fresh

The lunge

Lunge with rotation

Practice these exercises on your own or with a personal trainer and in no time at all find yourself swinging through the trees, Tarzan style. Have fun!


Ben Winter is a Bristol based Personal Trainer with a reputation for getting results time after time, from weight loss to nutrition. Personal Training in Bristol at a private studio, you can contact him at

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Is Your Body Weight Loss Resistant?

Women who work hard at trying to manage their weight only to find the excess pounds won't budge are often left frustrated. While women are often made to feel guilty for being heavier than statistics show they should be, there may in fact be logical reasons some women have weight loss resistance. There are a number of factors that might be at play.

If you are a woman finding it hard to fight the bulge, why not investigating some of these factors. One or more of them may help to shed some light on your situation.

Why Are Some Women Weight Loss Resistant?

Here are a few possibilities of why some women seem to be weight loss resistant:

Emotional Eating: Some women just plainly like the taste of food. Others eat to calm nerves or use food to meet an emotional need. A sign of emotional eating is when a woman eats when she's not hungry.

False Hunger: Just as a pregnant woman might experience false labour, a woman can experience cramps that mimic hunger pangs. Gaseous food and chewing gum can cause this feeling. Food intolerances can also cause a cramping feeling. Once a woman feels false hunger, she obviously feels the need to eat to calm her stomach, resulting in adding unneeded calories.

Hormonal Imbalances: Many pregnant women gain weight well beyond the weight of the baby. Most women eat healthier while pregnant than at any other time in their lives, so what's going on? Many peri- and post-menopausal women complain of unexplained weight gain and weight loss resistance too. Hormonal imbalances can cause a ruckus in some women.

Genetics: It is obvious just by observing some families that genetics has a role in weight gain. Often when one struggles with excess weight, one of their parents does too.

Overeating: It goes without saying that overeating can lead to weight gain. It is simple math that as many calories that are taken in need to be burned in order to stay in balance. Oftentimes, women who workout will trick themselves into thinking they can eat more because they've worked out. Some even use food or a high calorie beverage as a workout reward, which obviously defeats the purpose.

Missing Ingredient: Some women's bodies have trouble absorbing the nutrients from their food throwing the body into havoc. A multivitamin might help to bring needed balance.

Thyroid Problems: An underactive thyroid can prevent a woman's metabolism from processing calories efficiently. Not only might a woman with an underactive thyroid be unable to lose weight, but she may gain weight rapidly if not diagnosed and treated in time.

Under-activity: In order for a woman's body to burn calories, it needs to move. If a woman has a sedentary job, even if she exercises, her body may not be getting enough exercise.

What To Do?

If you suspect any of the above conditions apply to you, take action on them.

Obviously, it is important to get a physical check-up including blood work done, if you haven't already. It is important to make efforts to keep yourself moving and exercising and to be conscious of what you're taking in. Reminding yourself of the above factors should help you become more aware of what might be going on and steer you toward a few new solutions.

In any event, adopt the "Do It Anyway Plan". That means, keep exercising even if the scale doesn't budge. Do it anyway. Your muscles, (including the all important heart muscle), your circulation, lungs and metabolism will thank you.


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