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Monday, December 28, 2009

Dr. Mark Colquitt's Weight Loss Patients Stage Fashion Show ...

"Dr. Mark Colquitt's Weight Loss Patients Stage Fashion Show ...
By Editor
Bariatric surgery patients operated on by Dr. Mark Colquitt recently staged a fashion show modeling their new slimmed down figures at Blount Memorial Hospital.
InsideSurgery Medical Information Blog -"

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Weight Loss Tips – How to Speed Up Metabolism: Smart Dieting – Foods for Dieters to Burn Body Fat Fast |

Dieters can burn more body fat and lose more weight by eating foods that increase metabolism. Fat-burning foods include chilli, fish, cocoa, some proteins and herbs.

n addition to eating less and regular exercise, dieters on a weight loss quest can eat certain foods to help boost metabolic rate and burn body fat faster. Here’s a quick look at the foods that dieters can consume to shed the extra weight.
Hot and Spicy Foods

Chilli, wasabi, mustard and curry paste are foods that boost the body’s metabolic rate quickly in a short time. That’s why people get all sweaty and flushed when they tuck into a bowl of hot curry chicken. Just don’t add too much rice or naan bread while enjoying a hot and spicy meal. The calories will pile up!
Eating Fish Stimulates Metabolism

A hormone known as leptin is released whenever a dieter eats fish. Leptin in turn stimulates the body to burn calories for energy instead of storing them as body fat. Many fish such as salmon and sardine are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been known to reduce the risk of heart disease and in the right doses, help boost the body’s metabolism, resulting in fat being burnt a lot quicker.
Quality Cocoa or Dark Chocolate Can Boost Fat-Burning

Who says chocolate is all bad? Eating cocoa is in fact a good way to help increase the fat-burning effects of physical exercise. However, not all chocolates have that weight loss effect. The trick lies in choosing the right kind of chocolate – dark chocolate with very low sugar content and without hydrogenated vegetable oils, also known as trans fats. A good choice would be quality organic raw cocoa powder that can be mixed with the morning beverage.
A Variety of Proteins

Eating protein-rich foods can boost the rate of calorie burning as well. Plus, protein foods help keep the body feel full for a longer period of time, making them very good natural appetite suppressants. Dieters benefit most when they eat a variety of proteins such as soy, low-fat dairy products, lentils, eggs and fish.
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Smart dieters who want to reap the true benefit of calorie-burning through proteins can also take tyrosine supplements. This non-essential amino acid is important in the production of dopamine and thyroxin – hormones that have a crucial role in healthy metabolism.
Herbs Can Help Burn Fats

Those serious about losing weight and burning body fat can also turn to herbs. These include:

* Green tea – Drinking green tea speeds up thermogenesis, a process that helps the body to burn fat more quickly.
* Rosemary – Add this fragrant herb into dishes to help stimulate cells that use fatty acids and calories.
* Gymnema – This herb helps block the tongue’s ability to taste sweet flavour, and is great to help those with a sweet tooth to cut down on high-sugar foods.
* Cinnamon – Cinnamon helps weight loss through its ability to help the body maintain healthy levels of insulin and blood sugar. Mix the powdered form of this aromatic herb with beverages, smoothies or porridge.
* Brindleberry – This herb is a good source of hydroxycitric acid, which contains an active compound that prevents the production of fatty acids. It is also known to stop the body from turning excess calories into body fat.

Smart dieting is about eating less and eating the right foods to boost metabolic rate in order to burn up body fat and calories faster. As such, part of a serious weight loss programme should include eating fat-burning foods such as hot and spicy chilli, fish, cocoa, a variety of proteins as well as herbs like green tea, rosemary, gymnema, cinnamon and brindleberry.

Read more at Suite101: Weight Loss Tips – How to Speed Up Metabolism: Smart Dieting – Foods for Dieters to Burn Body Fat Fast |

Sunday, December 20, 2009

A woman's long journey toward weight control | Health & Medicine | - Houston Chronicle

By the time I settled on having gastric bypass surgery two years ago, the risk of death didn't frighten me.

I was dying a slow death anyway. I wasn't living. I was eating myself to death. And I couldn't stop.

A size 24, I weighed 278 pounds in June 2008.

I was pre-diabetic: I had the telltale signs of velvety dark patches on my face and other parts of my body, my doctor told me.

I had sleep apnea: I slept with a CPAP machine every night because my body struggled to function under the pressure of my weight.

I had asthma: It manifested itself the spring before my surgery, and doctors said it was weight-related.

I was tired of dying one meal or binge at a time. I wanted to live.

An early start

My mother put me on my first diet while I was still in elementary school. Each year she became more and more frustrated with me and my eating. I couldn't get enough of food. One Thanksgiving, I ate all the meal's leftovers as my family slept. My stepfather caught me in the act.

When he asked me what I was doing, I replied: “I can't pronounce it.” It became a legendary family joke. But it really wasn't funny. I had a problem.

And until about 18 months ago, I had been on a diet ever since. Every new year, I would make a goal to drop at least 50 pounds. Each year I would gain at least 10.

At 9 years old, I weighed 140 pounds. For a brief period during elementary school, my mother, who is 21 years my senior, and I wore the same size. But I soon moved beyond my mother's misses size 8.

Over the years, I've done anything and everything to lose weight.

There is no diet that I haven't tried, including an overexercising, starvation diet, which led to a 100-pound weight loss just in time for my 30th birthday.

But as soon as I began to eat, that weight crept back on, especially in 2005. That was the year Hurricane Katrina destroyed my dream house and took away everything I'd worked so hard to accumulate for more than 10 years, including my 65-inch widescreen HD television. Pulling that to the curb to join my stainless-steel refrigerator, my sofa and my loveseat was just a bit too much.

I began to eat to cope with living with three cats in a FEMA trailer in the driveway of the home I used to inhabit. When I decided to abandon New Orleans in 2006, I felt guilty about that, too. So I indulged myself some more with food and drink. At one point, I joined a gym and Jenny Craig in Houston, but I just wasn't motivated to make a change. I was depressed and thought eating was the best way to cheer myself up.

By 2007, I weighed nearly 300 pounds: I was out of control and disgusted with myself.

I was miserable. I couldn't breathe. I needed a special machine to breathe at night. According to a sleep study, I would stop breathing 30 times in an hour.

Before I was prescribed a CPAP machine, my snoring could keep an entire household awake at night.

When I was a reporter, I avoided out-of-town assignments because I didn't want my co-workers to know that I snored like a freight train. The few who did find out never forgot it.

I avoided life in general because I was too fat to do anything much.

My life consisted of going to the grocery store and work — all within a 10-mile radius.

Each event tired me to the point of exhaustion.

I worked for three years on the night shift at the Chronicle, and each night after work I would eat for hours into the morning and then pass out in front of the television. I'd wake up just in time to go to work, and then the cycle would begin anew.

Inward struggle

At one point, I thought I would be weak and lazy if I resorted to surgery to resolve my weight-loss issues.

I truly can say that having the surgery in June 2008 was the best decision I have made in my life. And the journey has been far from easy.

I opted for the bypass procedure because with the LapBand procedure, I was told patients could still cheat. The weight loss is also often slower with that surgery. I needed immediate relief. And as a food addict, I knew if I had an opportunity to cheat, I would. Although I was never officially diagnosed as a food addict, I knew I was. In the past, my best friends tended to be alcoholics. We had this unspoken agreement: “I'll let you eat all you want in front of me just as long as you don't make any comments about all the liquor I'm drinking.”

The hardest part of this process was finding a doctor I trusted.

I consulted with two physicians before deciding on Dr. Carlos Ferrari at Memorial Hermann Memorial City Medical Center. I went to the suburbs because I hate the hustle and bustle of the Medical Center. I also felt Ferrari's staff had a nice, laid-back and caring approach with patients.

Relearning how to eat

For the first couple of months after the surgery, I was a vomit machine.

Nothing stayed down.

I had to relearn my likes and my dislikes. My body likes neither processed foods nor greasy foods. I have to chew meat slowly, as I do all foods.

Here's my biggest disappointment: I can still eat sweets.

For some gastric bypass patients, sweets will cause you to “dump.” Dumping causes nausea, vomiting or an intense sweating episode. I have an electric fan at my desk now to help me with such episodes.

So, though sugar doesn't make me dump, processed foods will break me out into a pouring sweat. Twinkies are a “no-no.”

One other devastating point: The surgery cost me my hair. Most overweight people have a beautiful head of hair. We take pride in it because it's the one thing that we can control.

After losing my hair, I wore a short natural for a while. Now I'm wearing a weave until my hair grows back.

A new year indeed

As the New Year begins, I can happily say that I am healthy.

I can walk up a flight of stairs. I can sit on a plane and slide from side to side in the seat. I don't have to buy my clothes at plus-size stores.

And I no longer snore, so I'm not ashamed to sleep away from home. And I travel more than ever now, mostly to malls in and around the greater Houston area.

Yeah, I've become a clotheshorse. There was a time when I ran from mirrors. Now I can't stay away from them.

Though surgery deals with physical aspects, it forces you to deal with psychological issues as well.

Today, I weigh 170 pounds, and I am a size 12 — the smallest and healthiest I've been in my adult life. But sometimes I still see myself as being nearly 300 pounds.

Others don't see me that way, but I do.

So for the first time in my life, my New Year's resolution will not be about weight in 2010.

It will be about having the courage to come to terms with the new me, accepting myself as I am now — all while walking boldly into a new, exciting and unknown future.

Tara Young is a former assistant business editor at the Houston Chronicle.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Yeshiva World » The ABC’s Of Weight Loss » Frum Jewish News

According to an article in the May 1, 2008 edition of the New England Journal of Medicine, overweight and obesity are associated with hypertension, glucose intolerance, dyslipidemia and obstructive sleep apnea. More importantly, obesity is associated with increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease, diabetes, kidney disease and obesity-related cancers (colon, breast, esophageal, uterine, ovarian, kidney and pancreatic). Rates of diabetes have more than doubled in the last 30 years and fatty liver disease has become increasingly more prevalent. With well over 65% of us overweight and over 25% obese, weight loss has become the top priority with most people, including medical professionals. According to Business Week Magazine (2007), 40 billion dollars was spent in the United States alone on weight loss programs and products. To add to the confusion, many dieters brag about how successful they were on their various diets, and then, in 98% of cases, within five years, gain it all back, and possibly more. So just how does one lose weight and keep it off?

Here in Israel, we consume a daily average of 3,765 calories - far more than we need. For most people, weight gain occurs over an extended period of time. Consuming a mere 50 calories more per day than you need or than you use - which is relatively easy to do – translates into a 5-pound gain per year. Keep that up for a number of years and you will be obese. Let’s understand some basics about how many calories we need to consume per day in order to maintain our weight, and then see what we need to do to lose some of it.

The first step is to determine our basal metabolic rate (BMR). Simply put, BMR is the number of calories our body uses as energy to sustain itself throughout one day, without doing extra activity or exercise. At rest (i.e. while sitting at the computer or reading), the human body burns only about 12 calories per pound of body weight per day (26 calories per kilogram). (This formula is approximate; you can find metabolic calculators on the Internet.) This means that if you weigh 150 pounds (68 kg), your body uses only about 150 X 12, or 1,800 calories per day. Therefore, in order to lose weight, you need to reduce the number of calories you consume per day and use more of the calories you’re consuming; it’s what we call creating a caloric deficit. One kilo is 7,500 calories, so in order to lose a half a kilo per week you would need to consume 500 fewer calories per day, or eat 250 less calories and burn 250 calories per day through exercise and activity.

Starvation diets DO NOT WORK, in the long run, and will leave you sorely lacking in nutrients. Additionally, consuming too few calories can slow your metabolic rate. Rapid weight loss crash diets will cause you to lose water and muscle, but not fat weight. It is crucial that you eat in a way that will give you good nutrition and provide sufficient energy for each day. By being active - walking instead of driving, taking the stairs instead of the elevator and starting a formal exercise program, you could very easily burn 300-500 calories a day. You would need to cut 300 calories per day to lose one half kilo per week. Aerobic exercise will also greatly improve your cardiovascular health. By doing resistance training, you can actually raise your metabolic rate and keep your muscles and connective tissue in good working order through the aging process.

To reiterate: the overwhelming majority of research to date indicates that 98% of people who try these types of weight loss programs are ultimately not successful. So if you want to lose weight and keep it off, learn the basics of good eating, exercise and an active life style. Learn what your nutritional requirements are and eat for your health. And just as important, learn how to THINK THIN! This is the combination that works best. Combining all of the above good habits is one way to “…add hours to your day, days to your year and years to your life.”

For previous columns, click HERE.

Alan Freishtat is an A.C.E. CERTIFIED PERSONAL TRAINER and a LIFESTYLE FITNESS COACH with over 10 years of professional experience. He is the co-director of the Jerusalem-based weight loss center Lose It! together with Linda Holtz M.S. and is available for private consultations, assessments and personalized workout programs. Alan also lectures and gives seminars and workshops. He can be reached at 02-651-8502 or 050-555-7175, or by email at

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tips and Tricks For Weight Loss - Even If You Are Not Willing to Diet

Tips and Tricks For Weight Loss - Even If You Are Not Willing to Diet

I am going to share tips and tricks for weight loss that you can put to use now even if you are not willing to diet. The fact is there are many ways to lose weight and many things we unconsciously do wrong that keep us locked in this battle with our body to shed the pounds. I encourage you to take a couple of minutes right now to read on and discover how you can work with your body to lose the weight.

Tips and Tricks for Weight Loss

1. Stay accountable to yourself. By keeping a food journal you make it harder to eat foods that are going to sabotage your efforts. This simple trick has been show to double the amount of weight lost by participants in a recent study.

2. Slow down when you eat. You naturally eat less when you eat slower. To slow yourself down simply chew every bite thoroughly and then swallow everything in your mouth before taking another bite.

3. Eat mindfully. Pay attention to your food, notice what it looks like and the aroma it gives off before putting it in your mouth and tasting it. When you eat mindfully you experience food in a whole new way and you will effortlessly make better eating decisions.

4. Have a salad with every meal...first. By starting your meal with a good size salad you begin to fill your stomach with volume and fiber and this reduces the amount of the main meal calories you consume.

5. Down-size your plate. Eat meals at home from smaller plates. This is a mind trick that makes you believe you are eating more because the plate is full. Simple but effective.

By getting these tips and tricks for weight loss working in your day you will effortlessly lose weight without dieting. Give them a try today and for even more great ideas follow the links below.

Do you want to learn more about how to do it? I have just completed a brand new free guide. Download it free here: 7 Secrets Guide

Do you want to learn how to speed up your fat loss? Speed Fat Loss

Monday, December 14, 2009

Lose Belly Fat - How to Lose Belly Fat Fast

Lose Belly Fat - How to Lose Belly Fat Fast: "Does that protruding belly flab embarrass you no end? Are you on a constant lookout for ways to lose belly fat but nothing concrete and helpful has yet come to your rescue? Here is a complete solution to all your problems then because what follows beneath would arm you with all that you need to know to lose belly fat quickly and effectively:

1. Colon Cleansing Is A Must

If you carry belly flab then the most likely reason behind it could be that your digestive system is not functioning properly and that could be causing some foods to remain undigested and settle in the abdominal and tummy regions. The only solution to the problem is a thorough colon cleansing and unless you undergo that, your aspirations to lose belly flab would not actualize. The treatment would flush out the wastes accumulated within and clear all the plaque and mucus deposits that might be sticking to the walls of the colon and hampering its proper working.

2. Natural Supplements Could Work Miracles

If losing belly fat is posing problems then it is an indication that your diet restrictions and exercise regimes are not sufficient and that you need something else as well to boost the effects. Natural supplements like acai berry could help wonderfully under such circumstances. These supplements contain all the natural ingredients required to bring about fat loss and can be of useful help.

3. Keep The Motivation Levels High

If you wish to lose belly fat effectively then believe me nothing would help you more than keeping yourself encouraged and motivated to lose weight. Most weight loss regimes fall in the face due to reduced excitement and monotony that plagues the routine post the initial days. You could simply look for activity partners to keep you glued to your workouts, keep friends and family members informed of your goals, look for alternatives to exercising, find out healthy yet delicious food recipes and try them out or simply make music your exercise partner. Try these out and speedy results are sure to follow.

4. Avoid Stress

There is a direct link between stress levels and belly fat accumulation. Medically backed researches show that stress shoots up the cortisol levels in the body. Excess of this hormone triggers fat accumulation especially around the tummy and abdomen. So avoiding stress could be of great help in cutting down on belly flab naturally yet effectively.

Raised blood pressure, increased blood sugar levels, high cholesterol, insulin resistance syndrome, heart -related troubles can all be attributed to presence of excess fat in the tummy and abdominal regions. Make sure then that you follow the above mentioned ways and get rid of the belly flab before it begins to show adversely on your health.

Hi, I'm Janet Pierce and I invite you to grab your Free Trial packs of Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse TODAY. These Free Trial packs helped me loose 32 pounds in 30 days. I'm sure they'd help you loose weight in a natural and cost effective manner.

Article Source:"

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Diet-related weight loss in obese improves cardiac structure

"Diet-related weight loss in obese improves cardiac structure, function
The findings suggest that the toll obesity takes on cardiac structure and function is at least partially reversible with diet-induced weight loss and that"

Moderate Weight Loss in Obese People ... - Google News

Moderate Weight Loss in Obese People ... - Google News: "Study Finds Link Between Moderate Weight Loss and Heart Health
BETTER Health Research - Donna Parker - ‎11 hours ago‎
It may be a good idea to look into an alkaline diet filled with fruits and vegetables"

Moderate Weight Loss in Obese People ... - Google News

Weight Loss in Obese People ... - Google News: "Moderate Weight Loss in Obese People Improves Heart Function
Science Daily (press release) - ‎13 hours ago‎
sciencedaily (Dec. 11, 2009) — Obese patients who lost a moderate amount of weight by eating less and exercising more improved their cardiovascular health"

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Working Out To Lose Weight

Regarding working out to lose weight, a planned and gradual approach is essential.

Try something to spend energy on a daily basis and increase gradually. Ideal forms of exercise include activities you not only like doing, but activities you can do often.

Trying a variety of exercises that affect a variety of muscles will help boost your metabolism much more. Don't give up.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Weight Loss System - Maintain Your Metabolism

Weight loss tips that generally work for everyone at least some degree involve ways of boosting your metabolism.

Two of the main thing to remember is to maintain your metabolism, your activity level and how long you eat. Don't ever let yourself go hungry! A sure way of halting your metabolism is starvation.

Eating more regularly is good as long as what you are eating is healthy for you. Another important thing to remember is to keep moving! As little as half an hour of brisk walking can have a magical effect on your metabolism.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Some Basic Weight Loss Tips

Take small reasonable steps. When it comes to weight loss, patience is a necessary virtue. Seek support from friends and family.

Make connections with others struggling to loose weight and join support groups. In addition, a great support network are actively maintained, but a nice medium for the exchange of their ideas.

Others who are going through the same thing as you can be a wonderful source of advice.

Some weight loss tips won’t work for you even though they work for others. Good to try a lot of different things.