Dieting by restricting intake of food is not a recommended method for weight loss. It is true that you can follow very strict food habits and avoid a lot of nutrients in the process. However, this doesn't work out in the long run because an individual cannot stay away from a particular form of food for life.
By adopting dieting you also lose not only your appetite but also the interaction with the society and other people. This is because avoiding food will cause you to no go to parties or accept invitations just because you are on a diet. Eventually you develop what is called isolation, which is the major factor and the element in eating disorder in a person.
It can be said that dieting is linked with many kinds of eating disorders. Some of the most common ones are bulimia and anorexia. For example, food preoccupation is higher, increased level of deprivation in a person, lower level of will power and confidence. You would also have an increased level in eating disorder, known as binge eating.
At the beginning the entire process and procedure of dieting would be exciting and fun. You would be thinking of getting your life back on track, gaining self respect, power and a sense of accomplishment. Then when the dieting fails and you get back to the earlier weight you were at, all those great feelings go right down the drain.
Dieting causes eating disorder and other psychological problems. Do remember, that dieting does lead to the various unhealthy eating habits and eating disorders and this is harmful and can eventually be fatal. You may initially think that not eating is great to help you lose weight, but it is an unhealthy practice long term.
Remember that any form of intense dieting is not good because it is not natural. If an individual is dieting then they tend to have a huge influence on the others. For instance, you may influence your siblings and friends. In this case chances for the occurrence of eating disorder in others are higher.
Instead of dieting try these healthier methods like having smaller meals or portions of the dish an individual enjoys. Make sure to reduce the in between and unhealthy, junky meals. Replacing soda and other sugary beverages can greatly help reducing weight. Reduce intake of sugar especially in tea and coffee. In this reference honey is a healthier alternative compared to artificial sweeteners
As you can tell, some og the above suggestions for weight loss involve reducing intake of certain foods and beverages that you habitually consume everyday. Since you have them so frequent , they may be a major cause in you being overweight. Therfore if you simply omit them, you will start to see results quickly.
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