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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Why It is Important to Eat Healthy

Everyone has heard the saying," You are what you eat." When we are younger we can eat unhealthy foods and seem to get by for a while, but as we grow older, our unhealthy lifestyle will catch up with us in the form of illness and disease. Most of the foods you buy from the grocery store are processed, meaning they are manufactured in a factory and most often contain littler nutritional value. Even though companies will enrich certain foods or put labels that they are all natural, nothing is better than the real thing. Real food is nature's food and it is what we need to build healthy bodies that are disease free and full of energy.

Real foods consist of most everything on the outer aisles of the grocery store. They include fruits and vegetables, low-fat meats, and dairy products. However, all real foods aren't equal because most of our the real foods we eat are laced with pesticides, injected with growth hormones, or raised in unwholesome in environments. Therefore, on top of purchasing real foods, you want to buy organic fruits and vegetables and meats or poultry that are farm-raised, cage-free, and without preservatives and other toxic substances.

Below are some more health tips that will help you to eat more nutritiously so you can maintain your health for years to come

Get enough sleep, at least 7 ½ hours per night. Think about how can you make bedtime a daily ritual? Eat organic fruits, vegetables, and meats. It is better to pay a little more for these and eat less of them than eat foods that are toxic to your body. Most conventional produce are sprayed with harmful pesticides and animals that provide our meats are injected with hormones and preservatives. If possible, purchase meats that come from graze fed animals or cage-free chickens. Buy locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables, produce in season and grown locally will have the highest nutritional content.

Plant a small garden. If you don't have a yard, plant tomatoes, herbs, or small vegetable plants in containers.

Use only non-toxic cleansers and compounds.

Avoid processed foods, a processed food is anything altered from it's natural state and packaged in a box or packaging that has ingredients you can't pronounce.

Manage stress, practice some for of meditation each day.

Eat three meals a day; don't skip meals. Make a protein smoothie to replace any meals you may skip

Eat less, but more quality foods.

Invest in a juicer.

If time permits, cook majority of meals on the weekend, this lends to quick meal preparation. Also, prepare salad items in advance by placing individual items (onion slices, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc) in baggies or Tupperware for quick retrieval.

Fill up on health foods before going to parties or other events where food will be served.

Eat on a smaller plate.

Make enough for dinner so that you can take it the next day for lunch.

Listen to your body.

About Soy- We have been bombarded with the positive effects of soy on lowering heart disease and reducing systems of menopause. However, if you do a little research on soy, first you will find that most soy is genetically modified and second, it inhibits our thyroid gland from producing necessary hormones and could contribute to hypothyroidism. Therefore, if you use soy, use it in moderation.

Don't eat when you are not hungry, stop when you are 80% full.


Is your life out of balance? Do you have a toxic mind, body, or spirit? Feeling disconnected from God? Learn about the Detox Your Life Now Program at .

Rhonda Jones is the author of 22 Christian meditation & affirmation CDs, visit to find CDs and MP3s on weight loss, healing, healthy living, peace, joy, stress relief & more.

