Amazon-Weight Loss

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Body Confidence

Looking around these days at women in their forties and beyond it is shocking how few make the actual effort to look smart.

This is so sad, as it says, I don't care about myself and my appearance and therefore there is no need to make an effort.

Sadly so many women have allowed their body to get seriously out of shape. This must be such a strain on the heart. It is also dangerous in regard to strokes, diabetes and other complications especially as we get older as we may not realise but an accumulation of fat around the inner organs can be life threatening without us ever knowing about it unless we have a thorough check up. These are the secret killers.

How has it come to this. There seems to me a total lack of self-discipline and self-control and too many convenience foods consumed on a regular basis which seems a problem unique to the US and some countries in Europe.

It is difficult to follow any fashion if our body is not in the shape it should be. A few pounds too much here and there do not matter as long as the shape is still good and these can be shifted with controlled eating.

However, where the body has gone vastly out of shape, is where the danger lies. It took years to get to this and will take years to lose. This is where many women lose patience and give up when weight loss does not occur too fast.

We are bombarded with warnings by doctors and the medical professional body in general on a daily basis about the result of such indulgence, yet we go on eating and taking very little exercise, driving everywhere too when it would be so easy to walk the extra mile or two and so healthy out in the fresh air.

It seems that the majority of the population in the Western World has taken 'leave of it's senses'.

What is to be done about this epidemic? Experts have tried to work it out but have not reached a conclusion. It seems only the onset of illness will make people realise how far they have gone. The tragedy is that these people allow their children to become clones of their enormous selves while still young.

In the developing world, people are starving, not through our fault, much money and resources are given to them year after year and nothing ever changes. But this is only to highlight how we in the Western world are overdoing things by eating way more than the body ever needs.

Although, Mature Women Style is largely the subject here but ultimately it concerns men too, especially as it addresses self-control and looking after a healthy body.

It would appear that pride in the appearance has disappeared for many people. And this pride should be restored it is not unique to women but men too albeit on a lower scale. Coaching should be encouraged to support people with low self-esteem to take charge of their lives for it is only when we do this that things will change. For many people, there seems no way out of this vicious cycle.

As an example, experiments with young offenders have shown that with proper guidance they can turn their lives around very often and see the effect it has had on their lives. The same principle should be applied when it comes to tackling obesity. The fact that people have let themselves go can be a sign of drifting in their lives or depression or other causes which should be addressed with professional help and encouragement. Equally an addiction to eating needs professional help to get back on track. This does not only apply to women but men as well. Sometimes we have come to a place where it seems a waste of time to make an effort and after trying it can be a case of, hey, there is light at the end of the tunnel. We can all achieve when we believe in ourselves and this self-belief has to be nurtured. If parents have failed to do this then we have to seek out someone who can give us this. Our life as mature adults is our responsibility, so is what we eat and how we live. We are all born rich with faculties at our disposal unless we are unfortunate enough to have a disability and so many people with disabilities achieve outstanding success. Take the example of the soldier who served in Afghanistan and lost both his legs in a blast and is now raising money for Charity.

There is so much to live for and we must try to treat our body with the kindness it deserves by eating sensibly and taking back control.

To improve our life, we must look at the four areas of Life: Appearance, Relationships, Health and Environment and determine where we need to change things. Explore where you are in life and what could be improved. If weight is the problem, make a start and feel the confidence that comes with doing something for your 'Self'.

Delegate tasks if in a family or group situation, or at work. Believe that the cup is always half full, not half empty and train yourself to think positive of situations and people and you will feel much better in the process.

Before you can get back to a stylish self, you have to address the issues that have held you back. If you need help seek out the help of a coach or read books on the subject of self-improvement. We can all improve but we must want to.


To achieve body confidence, we must take charge of our life and change things if the present way of life is not beneficial to our well-being and the way we look. There is always room for improvement, no matter what anybody says. Stop making excuses and change things and Body Confidence as well as general confidence will be the pay-off.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Journey Of Weight Loss - How To Begin Losing Weight

Most of us that are looking for ways to lose weight want results fast, with little effort. When we do not get the results we are looking for, we stop and move on to something better. So here is how to begin losing weight.

Again and again, we have become disinterested in losing a pound a week, and when that dosen't even work, we get frustrated, and quit the weight loss plan we just started. A lot of times we unknowingly make goals that are far too hard to achieve and maintain. When trying to follow your weight loss plan you have to make real and achievable goals. When you lower your calories by around 500 a week, you have a much greater chance for long lasting weight loss results.

Try and start eating these every meal to begin losing weight. Fruits, Proteins, Healthy Fats, and Veggies. All of these are healthy for you. By eating healthy foods, and the right balance of foods, is a good way how to begin losing weight. Also raise your daily activity and burn more calories than you eat.

Stay away from stressful situations as much as possible. Most people are open to many stressful situations. Stress is a cause for many problems, and illnesses. Make sure you take time for you! Read books, or just go shopping, whatever relaxes you! Plus always get plenty of sleep, so you can refresh yourself, and revive your energy. All of these things will help you start losing weight.

Being very strict with what you eat is a reason why a diet fails. When you go somewhere, or even stay at home, and do not eat much it is difficult to keep your diet, because you get frustrated saying to yourself that you can't keep this diet, feeling bad, and end up, yet quiting again.

By just choosing to get healthy, you will start the journey to begin losing weight. Keeping a positive attitude is another key factor. You can't think that because you ate a piece of cake, or ice cream you ruined your diet plan, you have to just keep your determination, try your best, and do it little by little.

Just remember nobody wants to go on a diet, but they do want to lose weight. Maybe it's time that you start making the right choices, and decisions. This will all start the journey of weight loss and how to begin losing weight.


I know how it feels to be picked on and laughed at, because I was overweight growing up. Weight Loss is a struggle that can be achieved with a good mind, determination, and knowledge. I have lost 97 pounds and still achieving results. For this month there is a Special Limited Discount. Visit"nofollow"

Monday, December 12, 2011

Weight Loss and How to Lose Weight Fast

To be honest with you, weight loss is not easy, and if you want to know how to lose weight fast then there is only one simple answer: eat less or exercise more - or combine the two. The more calories you eat the more energy you are consuming. However, it can be made easier than it appears to you.

Any energy consumed in excess of what is used by your body by means of exercise and your metabolism is converted to an emergency energy store that body keeps in case of emergencies: that emergency is store is known as FAT! So if you consume more calories than you use up, you get fatter, and if you use up more calories than your consume you get leaner. It sounds a bit too simple doesn't it? Yet it's TRUE!

Let's put some of these terms into words that are easier to understand and apply to your own situation. Each will be presented and discussed in relation to the effect it has on your metabolism, your body weight and how it affects weight loss and how to lose weight fast and help you to look and feel slimmer, fitter and healthier.

Energy in Relation to Food

Energy, in relation your body, can be equated with calories. The more calories you consume in your food the more energy is contained in your diet. A calorie is a convenient unit used by dieticians and physicians to measure the amount of potential energy stored in the food that you eat and is used a lot in terms of weight loss. Fundamentally, the calories in your food come in the form of carbohydrates. Most people are familiar with carbohydrates in relation to bread, potatoes, fat, sugars and so on, but they are also contained in proteins.

Carbohydrates can be broken down by your digestive system and biochemistry into glucose that can in turn be absorbed into your body cells to be converted into energy. This is carried out when needed: it is a real time transformation: glucose and oxygen converted to energy. When you move your arms or legs, the energy needed is generated instantly as you need it in the mitochondria contained within every cell in your body.

Any glucose in excess of what is needed to generate energy is converted to larger molecules that we know as fat, and stored in fat cells - cells that your body has contained since birth. These fat cells can be full, empty or somewhere in between. And their degree of 'fullness' determines your degree of 'fatness'.

Energy Balance and Weight Loss

It figures, therefore, that if you eat more calories than are required by your body when you exercise then these excess calories will converted to fat and stored in your fat cells. It should also figure, therefore, that if your exercise demands more calories than you eat, then you should use up all your consumed calories, and then some, and you should not generate fat.

That's true, and here are some other facts about fat, diet and the way your body works that can help you to understand the concept of weight loss how to lose weigh fast.

a) Your metabolism: Your body needs a certain amount of energy to keep you alive: for your heart beating, breathing, digestion, biochemistry and every other bodily process needed for life. The amount of energy, or calories, needed for this is referred to as your metabolic rate: the rate at which your body burns calories just to keep you alive - in other words the energy you use when you are sleeping.

b) Carbohydrates: carbohydrates contain atoms of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. These are the building blocks of sugars, particularly of the sugar known as glucose that is the raw material needed to generate energy in your body cells. The other main raw material is oxygen, which is why you cannot live without food or oxygen. You also cannot live without water, but that is because every cell in your body needs water for the biochemical reactions of life to take place.

c) Exercise and Weight Loss: Exercise involves contractions of your muscle fibers that use energy. So every time you move a finger, open your mouth or even blink an eyelid, you are generating energy and using up some of the glucose in your blood that was formed from the carbohydrates in your food. The more exercise you take the more glucose you burn, until you have used it all up.

Then your body turns to its emergency food supply discussed earlier: the fat stores. That then results in a loss in fat and hence weight loss. So now you know how to lose weight fast: eat fewer carbohydrates and exercise more. Simple? Not quite!

c) Weight loss is controlled by a balance between carbohydrate intake and exercise. However, it is also affected by your build. The more muscle tissue you have then the faster your metabolic rate. Muscle tissue, or protein, needs more energy than fatty tissues to maintain, so the more muscle you build then the easier you will find it to lose weight.

There are complications with this however, such as muscle tissue burning energy at a higher rate than fatty tissue, so everything is not always as it seems. However, in general, you can control your body weight and amount of fatty tissue, buy controlling your energy intake and expenditure.

If you want to know how to lose weight fast then the neat answer is to eat less and exercise more. However, there are other ways to achieve rapid weight loss than just that - but that's another story!


If you want to learn how to lose weight fast, then check out Pete's website on and find out more about weight loss and those other secret ways that some people use to achieve remarkable loss of weight in very short times.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Permanent Fat Loss Secrets Uncovered

It is not surprising that you and millions of others are experiencing fat loss problems, despite efforts to correct them. When it comes to fat loss, you have been sold lies, half-truths and confusion. Many dieters fail to lose any significant weight, and alot of the ones that do, regain it back and then some. When you follow this information you should have no problem keeping the weight off permanently.

Your metabolism is complex with hormones and enzymes that converts food into fuel and determines how effectively it is burned. Your metabolism does other things too but what you need to know is that your metabolism determines how quickly you gain or lose weight. Having a poorly functioning thyroid and taking certain medications can affect your metabolism. The changes to metabolism in stressfull situations are essential. If these changes are maintained for a long period of time, your metabolism can be affected the wrong way. In times of stress adrenal glands are produced in large amounts. These high levels of adrenal glands that are produced cause a change in your body. You will feel alot of energy, and have a lower sensitivity to pain. These are good changes for a short time. The longer that your stress adrenal gland level is high, the more damaging it is to your health and the more fat your body holds. Excessive adrenal glands being produced can shrink your bone density and muscle mass. Muscle burns calories and it burns 2 times the calories than fat does. The last thing you want is to lose muscle mass.

One of the most ignored aspects of fat loss is not getting enough sleep. Sleep deprivation interferes with hormones which are essential to the control of appetite. If you have problems going to sleep, you can take a safe non addictive sleep aid or talk to your doctor. It is a fact that to lose fat you must consume less calories than you burn. Cutting calories is should be handled with care. Very low calorie diets usually have a greater weight gain after the initial weight loss. Avoid very low calorie diets, because they will make you larger. You should take some action into improving your sleeping habits and including more whole foods in your diet. These are important parts to improving your metabolism and speed up your fat loss. You must exercise as well as paying attention to the other things listed above. Exercise increases circulation throughout the organs and tissues and the extra blood feeds and nourishes the cells by bringing them nutrients. It also tones your body, reduces fat and increases muscle. The greater your lean body mass, the higher your metabolism will be running. High intensity exercises increase adrenal glands, promote muscle growth and reduce fat loss. During high intensity exercises, your body burns more carbohydrates. It also improves good cholesterol, sex drive, and memory. With so many diets out there to choose from, you really do need to choose a diet, based on a good strong foundation or it can set you back six months or more. I hope this information was helpful to people with these issues. When you follow this information you should have no problem keeping the weight off permanently. Thank you for reading and I hope everything works out for you.


dheape is a online product reviewer,he has done extensive research and found that there are very few programs that teach you how to eat properly,lose weight,keep it off,and be happy about yourself. You can discover more ways to lose weight by visiting or

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Truth Behind Belly Fat

Many people around the world, especially America, struggle with belly fat. Our society is having a hard time with it, now our kids are becoming obese, and even myself has struggled with the big, round tummy.

There are fast food joints on every corner, and more buffet lines than we all have money. And everyone is wondering why we are so overweight! Our society is killing us, and most of us are, to be honest, too lazy to do anything about it.

Fad diets are taking over the industry and everyone acts like they have the best product. From Dr. Phil's 17 day weight loss, to Jenny Craig, and the millions of other products out there that claims everything, but usually delivers nothing.

People are growing more and more confused with all the products to choose from that they are starting to not purchase anyone's because they don't know which one to choose. And who could blame them?

The biggest problem with all of this is that belly fat is one of the unhealthiest fats on your body. It's the closet to your heart and adds stress to all parts of the body.

Believe me; I know what it is like to be overweight. I have had belly fat for years. Sometimes I lose it and sometimes I gain it back. It is a life long process, and you have to continuously say no.

Food is like a drug for some folks. I can remember times that food has actually called my name. The problem is most of us given in and wind up eating whatever food is calling.

For the most part, it's sometimes not even the foods that you put in your mouth; it's how much of it you eat. And if you're like me, you can put away some food. One serving doesn't seem like it's enough. Often times we end up eating two or three servings, or plates.

If you're caught in this trap, then it's time to get out of it or you are going to end up very unhealthy.

You see, fat brings all kinds of problems. Try and remember back to a time you weighed less than you do now. How did you feel? How was your energy level? What was your life like?

Now come back to where you are now. How do you feel? I bet it is even hard sometimes to tie your shoes! How is your belly fat working for you now? I know you can't tell me you're as active as you use to be.


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