Amazon-Weight Loss

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Eating Right From Grocery Store Aisles

Diet food can be found in unexpected places. For example, look around the drink and spice aisles at your local grocery store. There you will find green tea and cinnamon, two ingredients that can actually teach you how to eat healthy for weight loss. These two foods work for healthy weight loss and improved overall health in different ways but together provide exponential health benefits. Let's look at cinnamon first.

Dr. Richard Anderson (PhD) is a USDA scientist whose research on cinnamon has been published. He and his colleagues conducted one study that aimed to determine the effects of cinnamon in daily diet plans. Subjects consumed a total of 500mg of extract per day by taking 2 capsules in the morning and 2 more in the evening. This amount is roughly equivalent to 10g of cinnamon powder or 1.5Tbsp. 12 days of this regimen produced great results: reductions in body fat and increases in lean body mass.

Another research study concluded that there are even more exciting benefits to take advantage of by adding cinnamon to healthy diets. This one concluded with improvements in insulin sensitivity and blood glucose regulation in participants who were lean and healthy. For a person who is already eating right and not necessarily trying to achieve fat loss, more efficient insulin sensitivity lowers their risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

There is nothing but good news associated with the use of cinnamon as good nutrition, but there is one roadblock. 10 grams is a lot of cinnamon to work into 3 healthy meals a day. The planning and creativity would have to happen every single day. Coming up with weekly menus would be like creating your own fad diets.

Dr. Anderson adds another consideration: "When consuming high amounts of polyphenols in the diet the salivary glands produce a protein that binds and minimizes their effects." Polyphenols are the chemicals that most likely give cinnamon powder its diet food power, so greater consumption backfires. Cinnamon in capsule form is an easy and effective solution to this problem.

This capsule ties us in to the subject of healthy eating with green tea. Green tea is another ingredient that, when added to healthy diets in large amounts, produces surprising but gratifying outcomes. Unfortunately, drinking 3-4 cups of green tea every single day is as grueling a mission as eating 1.5Tbsp of cinnamon.

Around 3 or 4 cups of brewed green tea is the amount that has been figured to produce healthy weight loss effects. To understand how this diet food works, we first turn to Drs. Kimberly Grove (PhD) and Joshua Lambert (PhD), who are from the Department of Food Science at Pennsylvania State University. They did a review of research studies that support green tea as a treatment for obesity. They state that 1 cup of brewed green tea contains between 240 and 320mg of catechins. 30-50% of the catechins are the type that probably burn more calories: epigallocatechin gallate, or, more commonly, EGCG.

A popular research study by Dulloo et al. tested the effect of 270mg of EGCG in daily eating plans. Participants took in this amount, which is found in 3-4 cups of green tea, through 2 capsules of extract 3 times a day. Over half of the subjects ended up experiencing, on average, an additional 78.3 calories burned over 24 hours, which is really impressive since the same number can be achieved by running at a high speed on a treadmill for a few minutes. The actual number of extra calories burned ranged from 63.5 to 200.

Now, you might be looking at that 3-4 number and thinking you would enjoy drinking a few bottles of the sugary tea you pick up from the gas station every day. In fact, fad diets like this might be an easy way for you to get good nutrition. However, the tea drinks that come in cans and bottles lose a significant portion of EGCG during manufacturing and storage, so this is not the route you want to take. Also, oolong tea only contains moderate amounts of catechins, which is more than the trace amounts found in black tea. Green tea alone boasts the highest numbers of catechins, and particularly EGCG. You must be strict with your tea selection if you want the healthy weight loss benefits.

The fat-fighting ingredients in green tea, like those in cinnamon, are most effective and easily incorporated into diet plans in the form of a capsule. Instead of sprinkling a tablespoon of cinnamon on your healthy meals and washing it down with 3 cups of green tea, add a supplement to your healthy eating and exercise plans. Metabolism, by Prograde, uses a team approach by soliciting the efforts of cinnamon, green tea, and other fat-fighting ingredients in their supplement that gives your healthy weight loss a boost.


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